Current Fee Reassessment Schedule


Process for how adding and dropping classes affects your student bill

Missouri S&T has implemented a new process for charges and reassessment of fees when making changes to your class schedule for the Fall 2019 semester and beyond. This change makes it easier to understand how adding or dropping a course will impact your student bill.

Each time you add a new course, you will be charged for the full cost of the course. This cost will be the same before the last day to add classes as it would be if you added the course before the semester begins.

Any student within the plateau tuition (12-18 hours) who adds or drops a course but still remains at 12-18 hours will not see any tuition adjustment.

If you drop a class, the amount you will be reassessed changes depending on when during the semester you drop. The reassessment dates are:

  • 100% refund through First week of classes
  • 50% refund weeks 2-4
  • 25% refund weeks 5-8
  • No refund applied weeks 9-16

These dates are outlined in the academic dates and deadlines each semester, and can be found on the Registrars webpage