Arts & Sciences Division

The Role of the Arts & Sciences Division of SDSU - Imperial Valley

The Arts & Sciences Division at SDSU Imperial Valley is formed by faculty that provide high quality education for undergraduate students. It offers majors in English, Mathematics, History, Liberal Studies, Psychology, Social Science and Spanish. It also offers a minor in Linguistics, English, History, Spanish, Mathematics, and Psychology, and provides curricular support for majors and minors in other divisions of the SDSU Imperial Valley. The Division also contributes to knowledge and the solution of problems in the Imperial Valley through excellence and distinction in teaching, research, and service.


Abarbanell, Linda Psychology 1-760-768-5678
Altamirano, Magdalena Spanish 1-760-768-5614
Boime, Eric History 1-760-768-5535
Castañeda, Donna Psychology 1-760-768-5586
Corcoran, Lucas Rossi Rhetoric & Writing 1-760-768-5549
Cordero, Elizabeth Psycholgoy 1-760-768-5610
Herrera, Carlos History 1-760-768-5644
Lopez, Efren M English 1-760-768-5534
Qin, Huan Mathematics 1-760-768-5591
Ramirez-Pimienta, Juan Carlos Spanish 1-760-768-5613
Shumaker, Jeanette English 1-760-768-5524
Tang, Tingting Mathematics 1-760-768-5531
Bodus, Stacey Liberal Studies 1-760-768-5536
Fuentes, Susana Linguistics 1-760-768-5550
Dunn, Roger Psychology
Polich, John History
Kofford, Bret English

Majors & Minors

Arts & Sciences Division Contact Info

Chair - Eric Boime, Ph.D.
Office: Faculty Office East
Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm

We look forward to hearing from you!

With about 1,200 students, SDSU Imperial Valley provides a uniquely intimate educational experience.

SDSU Imperial Valley
720 Heber Avenue
Calexico, CA 92231

Welcome to SDSU Imperial Valley

Small classes with convenient accessibility to a dedicated faculty and staff.